Listed below are links to many helpful organizations and resources for seniors, their families and caregivers. These listings are for informational purposes only and do not represent a endorsement by (or for) Atlas Care Connect.

  • sunrise HouseSunrise HouseEvaluating an Individual’s Treatment Needs Substance Abuse Among Mentally Disabled Individuals organizations dedicated to improving quality of life.
  • AFAThe Alzheimer’s Foundation of AmericaThe Alzheimer’s Foundation of America strives to provide optimal care and services to individuals confronting dementia, and to their caregivers and families-through member organizations dedicated to improving quality of life.
  • American HeartAmerican Cancer SocietyThis nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization provides extensive information on preventing cancer and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.
  • imageAmerican Heart Association’s Delicious DecisionsThis AHA Web site provides a healthy selection of nutrition tips, menu suggestions, heart-wise supermarket shopping tips and even advice on healthier dining out.
  • Caring form a distanceCaring From a Distance (CFAD)This nonprofit organization offers assistance, resources and support for men and women providing long distance care.
  • Family Caregiver AllianceFamily Caregiver AllianceThe FCA provides a wealth of information on care strategies, stress relief, community resources, family issues and hands-on care.
  • Elder LawElder Law Firms.comElder Law Firms is an exclusive legal website dedicated to educating the public on Elder Law and guiding the public to legal representation in your area. They also provide news articles from around the nation and an informative resource center geared toward anyone looking for in-depth information on Elder Law.
  • AARP Internet ResourcesAARP Internet ResourcesThe American Association of Retired Persons Web site provides a frequently updated database of Internet resources, including links to more than 900 of the best sites for people age 50+.
  • ADEARThe Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) CenterThe Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center Web site will help you find current, comprehensive Alzheimer’s disease (AD) information and resources from the National Institute on Aging (NIA).
  • Family Caregiving 101Family Caregiving 101This site was created for people caring for a loved one who is ill or disabled. It’s a great place to find assistance, answers, new ideas and helpful advice for both you and your loved one.
  • Maryland Nurses AssociationMaryland Nurses Association
  • allnurses.comallnurses.com
  • American Nurses AssociationAmerican Nurses Association
  • Rheumatoid ArthritisRheumatoid ArthritisComing Soon…